YouTube Music Awards 2015 | Pangolin Laser Systems

YouTube Music Awards 2015

The 2015 YouTube Music Awards worked with directors, artists and creators over a period of two months to create 13 videos for selected winners. Future Weapons Laser & Lighting Design was hired to provide equipment & programming for the launch sequence.

A method was devised to exploit scan rate errors which occur when filming lasers and use them to create beautiful architectural ribbons of light. Actors traveled through beams of laser architecture and interacted with the lasers spontaneously. Scan rate effects and laser interactions were controlled by a custom programmed APC40 controller using Midi & Pangoscript.

The video effects were created live rather than relying on post production techniques. OSC control synchronized laser projector output with cameras mounted on robotic manufacturing arms. Expensive camera sensors moved into hot laser projection zoneswithout harm due to BEYOND‘s precise timeline programming capabilities.

Show Tech:

Four Future Weapons 10 watt laser projectors & one KVANT ClubMax 6000 were used during the shoot. The live control system used Pangolin BEYOND, an APC40 and five FB3 controllers. Content creation computers used LD2000 and BEYOND with QM2000.NET units.

Launch Sequence: 

Making of Film: 

Metallica (by ER Productions)



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