Outdoor Laser Show at GEOVOL | Pangolin Laser Systems

Outdoor Laser Show at GEOVOL

During the end of October 2014, GEOVOL, a company located in Unterföhring, Germany contracted the experts at HB Laser, to program and outdoor laser light and multimedia show, to celebrate the results of two successful geothermal drillings that the company had been working on.

What would normally have been a standard outdoor event, turned into a bit more than anyone had expected, when a series of heavy thunderstorms began to pass through the area right at the time the show was about to start.

Despite the odds, the show was very successful due to the HB staff ‘s advanced knowledge of how to run laser shows, in poor outdoor weather conditions. This was yet another testament, to their outstanding show and production capabilities that the HB Laser Team has to offer.

Show tech:

For the outdoor laser show HB-Laser used 3 HB-Laser LightCube 863 13W systems, and 2 HB-Laser LightCube 860 3.5W systems.

The show was controlled by a TITAN 5 multi-media control station, with Pangolin Laser Show Software and Hardware, integrated inside.

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Metallica (by ER Productions)



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